Thursday, April 18, 2024

EOTO2 React

Overall, I thought that everyone’s presentations were very interesting. I definitely learned a lot from each group and it definitely widened my knowledge on the subject matter. A presentation that I found really interesting was the one done about online influencers. I thought it was really cool and interesting to see how die hard some ‘fans’ can be. If an influencer swears by a product, everyone is going to go buy it. The interesting point is, what if they are being paid to say these things? Same logic with what if an influencer hates a product, do their sales plummet? It was also really interesting to kind of see that any person, literally any gender, race, ethnicity, social status, etc can be an influencer. Influencers have all different kinds of backgrounds and share different stories with their viewers. The strain that it can cause on the influencer themselves, but also the people who follow this person- it can cause such a dependency to the technology and on the influencer themselves. Another presentation that I found to be very good was the one done on propaganda. It was very interesting to see how misleading and biased information can really impact people's opinions and it can also really change a narrative. It is crazy to me how common propaganda is today, as it takes away from the facts of the situation that people deserve to know. 

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