Friday, April 5, 2024

Blog Post #7 - Diffusion

 The typewriter was created by Christopher Latham Sholes, Carlos Glidden, and Samuel W. Soule in 1867. They were the pioneers of the invention, and their goal was to get media and news distributed faster to many people at once. At the time, it was a great way to do just that. Christopher Latham Sholes was a newspaper editor and a printer, and he had a large desire for a faster distribution process. An early adopter of the typewriter was Mark Twain. Using the original Remington typewriter, Twain was the first author to write an entire book by only utilizing the typewriter. He wrote one of his iconic novels, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" using the typewriter’s technology. Barely anyone really noticed at first that the typewriter made its debut. Small businesses and government agencies were somewhat quick to move to using the typewriter as it only benefitted them efficiency wise. Laggards to the typewriter were people who were older, who were very accustomed to penmanship and regular writing. They felt like they didn’t need to learn an entire new technology. They also did not want to lose their jobs, as some jobs required specific penmanship, and with the typewriter that was no longer needed. Excitement is what made people start jumping to use the typewriter, in that time period it was a very interesting and exciting new technology that would make a lot of things easier for people. People saw opportunities for less errors, faster distribution, and to make writing more legible. Many were excited to be able to have an easier time launching businesses and getting information relayed to the masses. The long term effects of the pros definitely outweigh the cons in the case of the typewriter. The typewriter helped a lot of people and businesses, as well as the government. It definitely transformed the world of office work, and helped women especially enter and have a job. Like anything else though, the world eventually moved on from the typewriter. People today now use computers or laptops, using a typewriter is not a common or regular practice. However, for its time period, the typewriter was very revolutionary and aided a lot of people, businesses, and government systems. 

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