Saturday, March 9, 2024

Blog Post #1 - 5 Sources

 The following are the news sources that I personally pay most attention to.

Fox News is known as a more right leaning, conservative news source. I normally listen in and watch Fox when I’m in the car on the radio, or if I am watching news on TV, or if I get any notifications from it on my phone. Although it is one of my top news sources, I will say that there is a lot of opinion rather than news mentioned at certain times. They have a lot of opinions stated, as well as just debates between different people on certain issues. News sources like this make it a little bit harder to fully understand as it is very opinionated at times.

Listening in to Candace Owen’s podcast is one of my favorite ways to get news and information. She is very conservative but offers really good viewpoints on various issues. She really dissects information and details of certain issues, and she really brings about good viewpoints as well. She states her opinion but she also states the facts, and I think that she does a really great job at separating the two.

The Joe Rogan Experience podcast is another great one in my opinion that is able to separate fact from opinion. Joe Rogan brings in a lot of guests and they have really deep conversations that are super interesting, that also correlate and are about modern day times and current events. The conversations are very diverse and include guests of all different kinds of backgrounds.  

Social media plays a big part nowadays when it comes to the spread of media and news around the world. I personally pay attention to a lot on Tik Tok, Instagram, Snapchat, and Youtube when it comes to news information. There are loads of information on these platforms, so I am very aware that everything that is said is not just immediately true unless it is proven with facts. A lot of people nowadays spread propaganda and twist stories to fit their narrative, or just are voicing their opinion and label it as a fact which can confuse people looking for the truth. If I ever come across a video or post that interests me, I always research it unless research is included. 

Another way I hear about current events and news is from my family and friends. Just like I am, my family and friends are also connected to different news outlets and social media platforms. This allows us to exchange information and talk about it, as well as convey my opinion to them and vice versa. 

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