Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Anti-War Voices Blog #6

In multiple different areas of the world right now, there is lots of war and death. The United States government has been aiding and funding these wars, which directly involves them now. With this comes lots of pro war stances, and a lot of anti war stances within the country. However, we do not really hear about it within the mainstream media. This is because mainstream media really only covers factual information, or they're supposed to anyways. It is not easy to get to opinions within the mainstream media, there are sometimes outsider perspectives labeled as debated or interviews, but the real strong opinionated voices are not really heard. It takes going to isolated websites that are not really developed or as professional as mainstream media outlets, which deters people from going to them. Nowadays, people's rights are very protected and citizens of the United States are allowed to have and spread their opinions, whether they are morally right or not. The progressive era was filled with opinionated voices, except times were very different. As World War I was brewing, there were a ton of opinionated stances about anti war and how they did not want the United States to get involved in the war. Only then, people were thrown into jail and penalized for their stances. Although it is not the same today, strong opinionated voices in my opinion, shouldn’t be broadcasted on mainstream media platforms. I believe that sometimes when something is so opinionated and personal, it can lack facts, which can create too much noise and take away from the facts of the situation. However, their voices shouldn’t be hidden either. People should have an easier time accessing these types of voices, as it can truly widen someone’s perspective or change their stance on issues.  

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