Tuesday, April 9, 2024

EOTO2 Keypost #8

Mainstream Media is a traditional way of establishing media broadcasting. It is also known as legacy media, traditional media, or corporate media. Mainstream media includes platforms like Fox News, CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, etc. Mainstream media platforms are more known by most people. It is the most reliable form of media, and usually acts as a line of translating information for the government. There are many good things about mainstream media. Mainstream media platforms have a very wide reach and can reach a ton of different kinds of people at once. There is also a very wide range of topics that can be covered within mainstream media. It can cater to any demographic or interest around the world. Radio, television news networks, newspapers, and cable news, etc, are generally considered mainstream media outlets.

The journalists are very professional and are hired to always give a very specific factual take. They must produce complete accuracy and a balanced viewpoint when distributing media. Journalists must report verified and factual information, they are not allowed to really give any forms of opinion. Many Journalists often leave the mainstream media community because they are very restricted with what they can write. They aren’t allowed to write how they feel or express themselves freely, which often leads them to leave. Mainstream media companies are extremely influential. As most people listen to them and their content, this gives them a ton of power.

Mainstream media has the ability to shape public opinion and influence people to the masses on important issues. Society as a whole is very impacted by mainstream media because specific platforms have the ability to sway large numbers of people as a whole on specific issues, and control certain narratives. It really defines sides and viewpoints of issues and events that take place, especially when it refers to something political. Although mainstream media is known for giving reliable and factual information, it limits its journalists very heavily. It does not offer different kinds of perspective to issues. It overlooks or does not represent marginalized voices and perspectives, which leads to a lack of diversity in coverage. Some media organizations are very driven by profits and outside investors and dealings, and this can sway media that is distributed to a specific demographic. Some media companies can prioritize their ratings, the amount of viewers, the entertainment factor, and especially the amount of profit they are making, over delivering and distributing factual content. This creates bias as well, which is not good for receiving factual information, as some media outlets can be driven by political or corporate interests and funding. Mainstream media can really affect any type of person, any race, gender, ethnicity, social status, majority or minority, etc. People of wealth can afford lots of different media, like newspapers, magazines, upgraded TV channels and streaming services. Whereas other people might not have that access which can limit them to a certain news source. There is also a difference between older generations and younger generations. Older generations might be accustomed to just having a daily newspaper delivered and that is how they get their news. Versus, younger generations are more technologically involved and can access any news source they want to, which can give a more broad and educated opinion on events and issues. For me personally, mainstream media is what I personally listen to most of the time. I enjoy getting more factual information, I only really care about people’s opinions to an extent. While I believe having different viewpoints is good, I believe too much just makes it too noisy and chaotic and takes away from the actual facts. 

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