Friday, March 15, 2024

Blog Post #2 - Supreme Court

There is a lot of history when it comes to the Supreme Court, and there have been a lot of iconic cases that have set a precedent for many years after that are still utilized today- the concept of which they stand with their decision for years even when the world is evolving and getting smarter, which I thought was very interesting. It was very interesting to learn about some of the Supreme Court judges themselves, and their backgrounds and history. I found lots of interest in Sanda Day O’Connor, she was the first female to ever become a Supreme Court justice. Her opinions were very researched and thought out and she served as a swing vote in many cases. Furthermore, I also thought it was very interesting with how long it takes for a case to get to the Supreme Court, they can decide to discard it and not take the case. This relates to the concept of certiorari, which grants the power of the court to pick and choose which cases it takes and even this is based on a precedent which is the Judiciary Act of 1925. With this, I believe that the most important thing to know about the Supreme Court is that it doesn’t just make decisions on certain cases, but it plays a very large role in interpreting the Constitution. Going back to the point that they set precedents, their decisions widely affect every person living in the United States, which is why they play a vital role within the country. The video really opened my eyes as to how the Supreme Court works and how important it really is, and how when something is decided on it really sends a message and sets a precedent that will be followed for a long time.

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